
JavaScript Taipei Game by Armin Kielack - Review

Javascript Taipei game by Armin Kielack is a web-based game, designed to test and improve players' memory and cognitive skills. Set in the vibrant city of Taipei, this game offers a unique and engaging experience, challenging players to match pairs of tiles while exploring the iconic landmarks of the Taiwanese capital. In this review, we'll delve into the game play, mechanics, design, and overall experience offered by "JavaScript Taipei."


How to call JavaScript function in HTML without onclick

This step-by-step guide helps you understand how to call JavaScript functions in HTML without explicitly using the onclick, providing an alternative way to execute JavaScript based on various events occurring on the webpage.


Best C++ Books in 2024 - Beginners to Advanced

C++ is a powerful and versatile programming language widely used in various fields, such as game development, system programming, and scientific computing. It provides high-level abstraction and low-level control, making it a popular choice for programmers. If you are new to C++ or looking to improve your skills, reading books can be a great way to learn and master the language. In this article, we have compiled a list of some of the best books on C++ for beginners as well as advanced programmers looking to brush up their skills and learn new techniques.


How to Find Average of Array Elements in JavaScript

There are multiple options to find average of an array's elements in JavaScript. However, we can use loop but it's important to note that the loop in JavaScript is generally used to iterate over the enumerable properties of an object, not recommended for iterating through arrays due to potential issues like iterating over prototype properties and iterating in a non-guaranteed order. Instead, the for...of loop or array iteration methods like forEach(), reduce(), or a simple for loop are typically recommended for arrays.


How to Zip Two Arrays in JavaScript

The process of zipping arrays is commonly used to merge or combine related data from different arrays into a format that is more convenient to work with, especially when the data in both arrays correlates based on their indexes. Here is a step by step tutorial on how to achieve this in JavaScript.